Use #TFA and tag art you’re thankful for! Whakamahia a #TFA hei tūtohu i ngā toi e whakamihia ana e koe!
We’re thankful for art.
Right now in homes around Aotearoa New Zealand, we’re thankful for art. Let’s show it!
Ināianei, i ngā kāinga puta noa i Aotearoa, e mihi ana tātou ki ngā toi. Whakaaturia!
“Our societies are built on the premise that art is life. Art is the everyday. Art is essential. Our songs, our stories, our whakapapa, our languages are art in action”
Tama Waipara, musician and Director of Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival
Ready to show the arts some love?
Imagine lockdown with no books, music, films, dance, or images. In bubbles around the country, New Zealanders are turning to the arts to help get us through.
The arts are doing what they always do: bringing joy, laughter, tears, solace, inspiration, hope and curiosity. Igniting the creative spark in all of us. Helping us see the world a little differently, think in new ways, and share what is to be human, now. Creativity doesn’t stop!
But artists need our support. Just like everybody else, they need support through the tough times, and they’ll need support to continue making and sharing their work once the lockdown restrictions lift.
Now it’s time to show the arts some love. Use #TFA and share the art you are thankful for.
It might be a great book, a funny comic, a brilliant film, a toe-tapping dance track, your favourite painting or photograph. It could be the kids playing the piano, the tivaevae created by your grandmother, the kōwhaiwhai pattern that speaks to your whakapapa, a newly felted bunny, or any art or artist you are thankful for.
We know New Zealanders value the arts. By using #TFA you are showing the art you’re thankful for and that you support New Zealand art and artists.
Kia whakaatu tātou i te aroha ki ngā toi?
Whakaarohia te noho tara ā-whare kāore nei he pukapuka, he puoro, he kiriata, he kanikani, he whakaahua rānei. E huri nei ngā tāngata o Aotearoa, i roto i ngā kāhui puta noa i te motu, ki ngā toi kia ora ai tātou i tēnei tūāhua.
E mahi tonu ana ngā toi i tāna i mahi ai, arā he whakakoa, he whakakata, he whakatangi, he whakaora ngākau, he whakakipakipa, he whakatō tūmanako, manawareka hoki. Ko tāna he whakaohooho i te auaha kei roto i tēnā me tēnā kia rerekē ai te āhua o tā tātou titiro ki te ao me te āhua o ō tātou whakaaro, kia tohatoha ai hoki tātou i te āhua o te tū hei tangata i tēnei wā. E kore te auahatanga e mate noa!
Kua tae ki te wā e whakaaturia ai te aroha ki ngā toi. Whakamahia te tohumarau #TFA hei toha i ngā toi e whakamihia ana e koe!
Engari me tautoko ngā pūkenga toi e tātou. Pēnei i ētahi atu, me tautoko rātou i ngā wā uaua, ā, me tautoko hoki rātou e hanga tonu ai, e toha tonu ai rātou i ā rātou mahi kia hikitia te rāhui.
Tērā pea he pukapuka pai, he pakiwaituhi hātakēhi, he kiriata mutunga o te pai, he waiata whakakorikori, he peita, he whakaahua pai rānei ki a koe. Tērā pea ko ngā tamariki e whakatangi ana i te piana, he newanewa rāpeti hou, he tivaevae rānei nā tō kuia i waihanga, he tauira kōwhaiwhai rānei mō tō whakapapa, he toi, he ringatoi rānei e whakamihia ana e koe.
E mōhio ana mātou e kaingākautia ana ngā toi e ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Mā te whakamahi i te tohumarau #TFA e whakaatu ai koe i ngā toi e whakamihia ana e koe me tō tautoko hoki i ngā toi me ngā pūkenga toi o Aotearoa.
Mā te pohewa mā te auaha hoki, ka whakapuaki ngā kura e huna ana.
With imagination and creativity, a hidden jewel can be revealed.