Need support? | Kei te hia tautoko koe?
Creative New Zealand has a range of funding and other support available for artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations.
Kei a Toi Aotearoa ētahi tahua pūtea tautoko me ētahi atu ara e tautokona ai ngā pūkenga toi, ngā tohunga toi me ngā whakahaere toi.
If you’re an artist, arts practitioner or arts organisation:
Click here to find out more about Creative New Zealand’s Emergency Response Package, including the $16million phase 1 arts sector boost.
For the most up-to-date information and support from Creative New Zealand, including the answers to frequently asked questions, look here.
Mehemea koe he pūkenga toi, he tohunga toi, he whakahaere toi rānei:
Kia whānui ake tō mōhio ki te Mōkihi Urupare Ohotata a Toi Aotearoa, tae atu ki te whakapikinga rāngai toi wāhanga tuatahi $16 miriona tāra.
Mō ngā pārongo o te wā me ngā tautoko a Toi Aotearoa, tae atu ki ngā whakautu ki ngā pātai e kaha pātaitia ana, tirohia a konei.
Other information sources and support for the arts community | Ētahi atu puna mōhiohio, tautoko hoki mō te hapori toi:
Live streaming | Whakapāho Mataora
Boosted Live is a new platform launching 24 April where artists get paid to livestream their work. Behind the scenes, the Boosted team help artists with tools and tips for live streaming and fundraising coaching.
He tūranga hou a Boosted Live ka whakarewahia ā te 24 o Paengawhāwhā, ā, utua ai ngā pūkenga toi mō te whakapāho mataora i ā rātou mahi. I mua i te whakaaturanga, āwhinatia ai ngā tāngata o Boosted i ngā pūkenga toi ki ngā taputapu me ngā kupu āwhina mō te whakapāho mataora me ngā kaupapa kohi pūtea.
Artists supporting artists | Mā te pūkenga toi te pūkenga toi e tuarā
Aotearoa Arts and Events during the Covid 19 Crisis is a Facebook group and website full of resources for the arts community including news, advocacy tools and learning lunches.
He rōpū Pukamata, ā, he pae tukutuku hoki a Aotearoa Arts and Events during the Covid 19 Crisis e kī ana i ngā rauemi mā te hapori toi, pēnei i ngā karere, i ngā taputapu taunaki me ngā kai tahi akoako.
Mana Moana Creatives is a Facebook group offering COVID-19 relief for Mana Moana Creatives in Aotearoa, Te Moana nui a Kiva and the world. Artists supporting artists who may need day to day emotional, mental, spiritual support throughout this period.
He rōpū Pukamata a Mana Moana Creatives, ko tāna he āwhina i ngā Mana Moana Creatives i Aotearoa, i Te Moana nui a Kiwa, puta noa hoki i te ao hoki i te wā o COVID-19. He pūkenga toi e tautoko ana i te pūkenga toi ka hiahia pea ki ngā tautoko ā-ngākau, ā-hinengaro, ā-wairua anō hoki i tēnei wā.
Wellbeing | Hauora
All Right? offers simple mental health tips for looking after ourselves and others, and getting through together.
Homai ai a All Right? i ētahi kupu āwhina mō te hauora ā-hinengaro mō te tiaki i a tātou anō me ētahi atu, mō te mahi tahi hoki.
1737 is a nationwide helpline providing immediate access to trained counsellors. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, worried, depressed or need advice on mental health or addictions, call or text 1737.
He waea āwhina puta noa i te ao a 1737 e toro ai koe ki ngā kaiwhakamahereora ngaio. Mehemea koe kei te toimaha, kei te anipā, kei te āwangawanga, kei te hiahia tohutohu rānei mō te hauora ā-hinengaro, mo ngā waranga rānei, pātuhi mai, waea mai rānei ki 1737.
MusicHelps Wellbeing Service is a free 24/7 counselling service for the music industry or those who work in the arts in Aotearoa.
He ratonga whakamahereora utukore 24/7 a MusicHelps Wellbeing Service mā te ahumahi puoro, mā ērā rānei e mahi ana i ngā toi i Aotearoa.
Other funding | He pūtea tautoko anō
WINZ COVID-19 Support for Self-Employed and Employers – Wage Subsidy.
Tā WINZ COVID-19 Tautoko i te hunga e mahi ana mā rātou anō me ngā Kaituku Mahi – Pūtea Āwhina.
NZ Ministry of Social Development COVID-19 Community Awareness and Preparedness Grant Fund.
Tā Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora Whakamōhio Hapori mō COVID-19 me te Tahua Whakariterite.
Government response | Tā te Kāwanatanga urupare
NZ Government’s official Unite against COVID-19 website.
Te pae tukutuku whaimana a te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa Mā tātou e ārai atu te COVID-19.
NZ Ministry of Health guidance for self-isolation.
He kupu ārahi mō te whakataratahi nā te Manatū Hauora o Aotearoa.